Here you will find key information for suppliers to the University Bidding for University ContractsContracted suppliers are typically appointed to the University through a competitive tender process, or through publicly available framework contracts. The University does not have an 'approved supplier list'.The University complies with all national and international procurement legislation and regulations, as well as our University finance and procurement policies. Advertising our RequirementsIn line with Scottish Government guidelines, the University will advertise all procurements above £50,000 on Public Contracts Scotland (PCS). Suppliers should register with Public Contracts Scotland to be alerted to any procurement opportunities within the University.Current contractsThe Procurement Reform Act (2014) requires that the University must maintain a public facing contract register for all contracts over £50,000. The University’s contract register is available to view.Contracts and Advanced Procurement for Universities and Colleges (APUC)The University is a member of APUC, Scotland’s centre of procurement expertise for universities and colleges.APUC works collaboratively with universities and colleges in setting up framework contracts on behalf of the higher and further educations sectors in Scotland. Through its membership of APUC and as a publicly funded body, the University also has access to:National Higher and Further Education Framework ContractsScottish Public Sector Framework Contracts established by Scottish Procurement (Scottish Procurement and Commercial Directorate)Crown Commercial Services Framework ContractsTerms and conditionsAll purchases are subject to the University’s standard Terms and Conditions, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Director of Procurement:Procurement Standard Terms and Conditions for Goods and Services Payment and InvoicingGoods and services must only be supplied to the University after receipt of an official purchase order (PO). If a valid purchase order number is not quoted on the invoice, then the invoice will be returned to the supplier.This has been implemented to increase efficiency in the procurement and payment processes across the University. No PO, No Pay'No PO, No Pay' is one of the University’s key control measures to ensure that payments are made only to suppliers and contractors where the supplied invoice contains a valid official purchase order (PO) number. 'No PO, No Pay' ensures that the University only pays for goods, services and works which have been properly ordered and authorised. It also ensures invoices received by the Accounts Payable team can be processed efficiently to minimise delay to suppliers and contractors.Purchase ordersSuppliers are advised not to undertake or make any commitment with the University for the supply of goods and services until the official order has been raised. Our purchase order format is UOE1234567 (3 x alpha and 7 x numeric) Failure to comply with this may result in non-payment of your invoices. Invoice processingInvoices received by the Accounts Payable team without a valid PO number will not be paid and will be returned to the supplier.If your invoice is returned, you should contact the person who placed the original order instruction and ask them to provide a valid PO number. When obtained you should resend the invoice quoting the valid PO number to Invoices must only be submitted electronically in a PDF format via email to Please note that only one PDF invoice per email is to be attached.Unless specific contract terms have been agreed, the University’s standard payment terms are 30 days from receipt of a valid invoice, and an invoice will only be deemed valid if a purchase order number is quoted upon it. If you require support or have further questions, please email This article was published on 2023-11-09